How to train your gold cube

How To Train Your Gold Cube

To train you gold cube there are 4 things that you need to do before you unleash you Gold Cube into the wild.

  1. Check your pump connections on the battery.  The Brown wire goes to the positive (red) post.
  2. Remove all the bubbles from the vortex matting, either by scrubbing or spraying water into the matting.
  3. Running black sand is much heavier than regular sand, feed the slick plate accordingly; the more black sand the slower you go.
  4. Keep your cube out of direct sunlight until you are ready to use it.  Visit our video tutorial here

Safety is always a concern when you are close to water. Creeks are dynamic bodies of water that can change anytime during the day or night. If it’s raining up stream a small creek can become a raging river in very little time.

Even if it’s not raining, the water can still become so high that you may not be able to get back across a stream. Always take the proper gear and plan ahead for what nature will send your way. Drink plenty of water and apply sunscreen as needed. Pace yourself and remember you are going to have to pack out almost all the time going uphill. Living in Colorado, the winter months are a great time prospect because the water is generally low however the cold can make a great day into a very bad one if you happen to get wet.

One technique we have tried that works quite well is to wear waders and long johns, process your material into buckets while in the water which can only take a couple of hours, then get out and warm up and process the material in the buckets through the cube. This method allows you to enjoy the day dry and warm.

Check out these links:

What You Need To Know About Panning For Gold In The Winter

Heavy rain causing creeks to flood